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Found 3 results

  1. I present to you the well-known trumpeter kit in which I have used the following aftermarket products. Undercarriage,seat belts and mask by Eduard Cockpit by red fox Pitot tube by Master Wheels by Reskit PE by profimodeler The camouflage's colours are by Gunze
  2. Hello all, i hope you have been keeping safe. I decided to do another one of Trumpeters Me262 A-1a's knowing that some of the issues could be fixed. As many are probably aware the weapons hatches on the front are pretty poor in shape and form, so this was addressed and hopefully look pretty decent this time. EagelCal decals were used for this aircraft plus Quickboost seat and Brassin wheels. Paints used were C117, C121,C122 all from Gunze. As ever, please feel free to comment on the build even if you think there could be improvement's Thanks for looking!
  3. Hello all, this is my little attempt at another 109. I've been trying to expand my techniques with this one and a few of the experiments have worked pretty well.....i think?! For the first i have really gone down the post-shading route and add to that more oil paint weathering, i had always been disappointed with my oil weathering but i found the flaw in my technique....its wasnt done on a matt finish, so problem solved me thinks. Painted with Gunze Mr Colours paints and MRP matt varnish to finish, so let me know what you think on the weathering, did i get it to work better?
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