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Found 2 results

  1. OK - want an excuse to build this - I have a hellcat (trump) and 2xTamy corsairs (all already on show here), but this is stinking up my stash... I want to build it 'in flight' mode using the 'blur blades' and using the Tamiya pilot and stand. That way I don't need to worry too much about the cockpit, and tires... ;-) Also experimenting for the first time with paining masks from Montex - this is my first GB or Build on LSP - so be kind ;-)
  2. What- If......................It just rolls of the tongue......What -If. While banging on the keyboard on April Fools Day, Trying to get LSP Kev to reveal the next G/B I had a serious Brain-Fart. With an idea already in my head of a Demo Team build and looking around at some kits that I've been trying to sell off, I saw something that started to brew in my limited capacity little mind. I had told my wife in the past I was going to build her a plane and name it for her. I was planning to use my Tamiya P-51 with the Blondie markings and paint her name on it, OK!. And the juices kept bubbling and rolling. Looking at the unsold pile is a Trumpy F4U-1D Corsair...... Everyone says it is a crap kit and I couldn't give away I thought a USAAF P-something OD over gray .... OH and another kit I couldn't give away Trumpy's F6F-3 Hellcat....crap kit, RIGHT GUY's? USAAF P- something else NMF CheckerTails? Name one of them for my wife JUICES starting to BOIL................I don't know where the thought came from..... UNLIMITED RENO RACER ........never built one ...... which one ......Corsair's been done ..H-cat hasn't Looking at the two I could see why.....Corsair...what mods?.... the only Corsair I'd seen in race livery that looked COOL is the Super Corsair......Ok....now I don't have a 32nd scale R-4360 laying around the house and the fuselage need to be cutdown ....... I'm not trying to convert this to a Super Corsair in my own markings...No I want something uniquely mine. ....Cut down the fuselage and add a totally different canopy....still working on which one I want to use....... Engine? Here is where the Juices boiled -over .... No R-4360? R-2800 in the kit .......Not enough power..... MORE POWER (monkey sounds...thanks Tim) ......Hellcat ........R-2800.......Corsair......R-2800???????? The 4360 was basically 2 R-1830 put together??????? 2x R-2800 = a Pratt & Whitney R-5600 QUAD WASP! I have and extra cowl if I need it, razor saw, sheet plastic, idea.......have to make a few drawings..... Engineer a twist to the cylinder banks? Super Corn-Cob??? Haven't touched anything on the kits except pulling the engine tree from the H-cat kit. I ask the wife her favorite color........PINK.............then she said Red.........& Black.....so Red& Black ..... I then told her what I have planned and to find a photo that I can have made into a decal...... MIZZ RHONDA-KAY That's my story and I'm sticking to it!!
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