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Found 3 results

  1. Hasegawa's 1:32 P47D "Slick Chick" 368FG/395FS. Slick Chick will be OOB with exception of belts/wheels/blast tubes and some scratch built M10 bazookas. I started this as a Jug double build last March 2013. Slick Chick took a back seat to the Russian Jug (WIP and Finished) as I wanted to figure out the M10 Bazooka build. Just was not happy with the bazookas I raided from my Trumpy P47N. I have found a build solution for the M10's so here we go. Some images will look familiar for the Double Jug thread, enjoy catching up and new updates. Aftermarket items include: Eduard Belts for Slick Chick Barracuda Wheel set Hasegawa brass Blast Tubes Kits World decals for Slick Chick I put "Slick Chick" in the bin to work on the Revell Bf109G6 late August. Now she's on the prowl and is looking for a party. Follow these threads and catch up on "Slick Chick" WIP. General fit seems pretty good with no issues projected on seams, wing roots...however ENGINE MOUNTS During test fit a glaring issue was the poor fit of the cowling. Basically it is the complete engine/cowling fitting on the fuselage mount. off by about 1mm THE PIT Pit is OOB with exception of Eduard PE Belts. Multiple passes of setting solution needed to get the IP decal to settle. FIXING HIDEOUS Replacing the really thick hideous gunsight.. Cut from 0.13mm clear styrene, scored then folded. Color me happy. Paint crash pad and all done. Need to reset the control stick...it's backwards.
  2. Hasegawa's P47D Bubble Top was used for Frank Perego's mount "Slick Chick". Overall a sound kit and fun build with only issue being having to lower the engine mount by about 1mm. See my WIP log. BUILD DETAILS Alclad II - various shades Gunze and Valliajo used throughout Flory's Wash Thinned brown & black wash followed by Alclad II Semi Matte overall MiG pigments for dirt, exhaust, powder burns on blast tubes and ordnance weathering Added various wires & plumbing in R2800, cockpit, wheel wells, landing gear and bombs Aftermarket items Eduard bomb fins/belts, Hasegawa brass blast tubes, Barracuda wheels Scratch built the M10 bazookas, K14 glass, oxygen hose, fuel lines on drop tank and static wire With flaws too numerous to mention this build yielded some great lessons as my skill-sets continue to evolve. Thank you all for your encouragement and support during this build. June will be dedicated to rebuilding my bench and setting up new photo table.
  3. Hi, Here is my Trumpeter P-47D. I've started it a few months ago but i've put it aside for a few weeks. It's painted with various alclad, and the national markings are painted, too. The stencils are hobbydecal dry transfers, and the other markings are decals from kitworld (great decals as the film become almost invisible even on NMF). THere is no varnish on it, only a light wash of flory dark dirt (i've also tried to use enamel wash from AK or Mig, but dont do that if you have hobbydecal stencils as they do not survive the enamel thinner experience...) and then a light dusting with Mig pigment. The kit is the trumpeter P-47D with dorsal fin. It is not a bad kit, i've liked this build, even if there is a few small defects. The cockpit is detailed with the eduard PE set, some scratchbuild, HGW belts (or RB? i dont remember) and a resin gunsight from master details. THe wheels are from Barracuda, and they are great ! (but pretty difficult to make the paint stick on them, even with many degreasing operations). The engine cowl flaps are scratchbuilt as the kit part is totally messed up. The exhaust staining is done with some alclad burn metal colors and then with highly thined acrylic chocolate and mat black. Hope you like it ! Here is a link to the WIP thread : http://forum.largescaleplanes.com/index.php?showtopic=49771
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