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Found 3 results

  1. Hi, After a very long stall, i was back to this build a few months ago, and finally finished it today. I started it as a "quick build", and i thought it would be done in a few weeks. Huge mistake ! After finishing the inside and gluing the fuselage, i made my research a bit further and i noticed a lot of difference between the actual aircraft and what was in the Revell kit. The Revell kit supply a standard floatplane Supercub, whereas the swiss aircraft "Popeye" seems to have a lot of custom modification. And there was also a lot of very simplified details that deserve to be improved (control cables, engine cowling, floats details and so on...). I have remade the back of the fuselage to scratch build the clear roof, made a few tiny pulleys for the control cables, remade the floats rudders, and various other small stuff. So it was quite long, sometimes a bit boring, but now it's done, i'm very happy of it. I hope you like it, too. Here is a link to the WIP thread : http://forum.largescaleplanes.com/index.php?showtopic=60767?st=0 I just hope i did not post too many pictures....
  2. Hi, It's one more build started a longtime ago, but i want to finish it. It's a rather small kit, with not many parts, but some areas need special care to look accurate, or just to look good ! The fit is very good anyway. I will make one of the schemes from the box, the white and yellow swiss aircraft, this one : Those nice pictures just make me want to have a walk in the moutains near a beautiful lake... For the paint, i have ordered some paint from Gravity, a spanish company who produces amazing paints dedicated to (racing) car models. I tried them yesterday and they are great (fast curing, extra smooth, very fine pigment, airbrush ready....). For the yellow i bought a bottle of school bus yellow. The colour is very good, but it doesn't match the Revell decals colour (for the lightning on the floats and the code on the wings. Anyway, we'll sort out that later !
  3. If weather holds - my buddy Allan and I are off to the UK leg of the D-Day remembrance events at Lee-on-Solent tomorrow in Allan's '44, ex USAAF Piper Cub to join a fleet of C-47s and some other interesting machinery and people. Over-nighting there - then due south on Wednesday - across the Channel to Cherbourg. Weather looking varied at present - so we'll see how far we get - but hopefully spend rest of the week in and around Normandy. The aircraft served in France after D-Day and subsequently was taken on charge by the post war French Air Force - before going on the civil register in the 1950's. Will take lots of photo's and post any particularly interesting ones here. Bit of a special trip - for the aeroplane as well as us - wish us luck!! Iain
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