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Found 3 results

  1. Here we go, fun build of the Italeri rebox of the 1992 Hobbycraft kit, using decals from Kevin (thanks!!). Built for one of my club members who is doing a lot of WWI events. Billy Bishop was the leading Canadian ace of WWI, a pilot of remarkable skill, and usually went hunting solo. Not much was done on these undersides, but the topsides are weathered to knock down the shine. I need to learn how to do props better. Getting there! Seat is actually painted paper towel. The pattern seemed to fit pretty well. Close up view of the top wing weathering Tail before weathering: And after:
  2. The generosity of the people on this site never ceases to amaze me. Kevin (LSP_Typhoonattack) sent me his full sheet of Nieuport 17 decals which included the set for Billy Bishop, so I'm back underway with this build - thanks Kevin!! Here is the obligatory box shot: And the decals Kevin so kindly sent (the bottom is not shown and are Russian markings). I really needed the fuselage markings, the Canadian Maple Leaf, and the rudder markings. All impossible to find: All silver aircraft (my last build was all black - I may be getting into a Monotone rut here...). I always rig the fuselage lines before putting the two halves together - much easier than trying to add later. That does require painting (and sometimes decaling) the side of the fuselage before assembly as well, but in this case, taking care of the top and bottom seams was not that much of a problem. The struts fit very well and this is probably the easiest time I've had aligning top and bottom wings. I did follow the instructions exactly (not that it was very complicated..) and it fit perfectly. This aircraft was not really marked up in any particularly interesting way, just done very simply, but the markings are still unique in terms of the font for the letter and numbers, how the tail number is painted and of course, the Canadian Maple Leaf next to the cockpit. Hard to see in this picture but I cut out and inserted a 'glass' windshield in that triangular 'A' pillar. Will shoot a clear coat after the decals have dried. A little tricky with the rigging but should be ok. What I really liked about this aircraft is the blue (oh maybe this should have been in the Color Me Blue group build?). This is actually Vallejo's Arctic Blue Metallic and I really like how it comes across. In various pictures of this aircraft, Billy Bishop's plane seems to have sported some very pretty blue so hopefully this is pretty close. Before the serial number decals... And after: The white surround of the lettering is one of the characteristics of this aircraft (and maybe others of the group) that I think is rather unique. Front and back of the wheels. The tyre color is my now-standard go to for rubber: Vallejo's RLM66 Black Grey. It just looks right to my eye. Still want to so a black wash to pull out the rigging and the eyelets. And the engine, mostly to be hidden in the blue cowling. Ok, next stop is the landing gear rigging, and then on to the wings! Thanks for looking, comments welcomed! Chris
  3. This was a relatively quick build, something else to work on while I concentrate on the Special Hobby P-39. I've been asked to build a Billy Bishop Nieuport 17 and was given the HobbyCraft kit as the basis. I've found that if I first build the HC kit, then build the Italeri re-box, I do a better job the second time around, in addition to the Italeri having better decals. Did not do a lot with weathering, more concentrated on fit and adjustments and just trying to get the wings aligned, etc. Yep, drunken sailor there, dipping the port wing a bit, amazingly enough, the wings and all the struts are actually attached. That is a major accomplishment in one of my WWI builds. Had a little problem with the '2' decal and masking... Thanks to Big Tim for sending me a copy of the decal sheet so I could make a mask. I'm definitely learning how to make masks, and Tamiya tape is not always the best idea. I'm learning! Also a pic of the seat cushion I made out of Squadron white putty. It was an easy and fun build, so shortly will be on to the Billy Bishop build. Chris
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