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Found 1 result

  1. I will join this GB with Trumpeter Mig-29 SMT. I will try for a simple build with limited amount of AM: Quinta studio cockpit details, Aires burner cans and Reskit wheels. I did not find any aftermarket decals for this kit but I have enough spare bort numbers and russian stars from Linden Hill decals that I should not have to rely on the kit's decals. I may also use the begemot Mig-29 stencils but we'll see because I am not sure whether they are appropriate for a SMT. Box shot: The top part is an impressive piece of molding, the airvents are separate parts but the fit is very good: Quinta studio set Resin AM has been given a bath of diluted bleach and resin plugs have been cut, need to prep the parts for primer. The Aires can are not meant for the SMT, so I am not sure how they fit the kit but I will give it a try. I wish there would be more resin ordnances for modern russian jets. Reskit has started come up with a nice range but mostly smaller dumb bombs and rocket pods. I will probably go with some of the kit's ordnance. Cheers, David
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