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Posts posted by CharlesMetz

  1. I am not an expert on 109 but I would say it should be F.



    The following features of the posted drawing indicate that it portrays an early '109 G rather than an F:


    -- a solid panel rather than a small triangular window below the side windows of the windscreen


    -- location of the fuel filler hatch (as indicated by the yellow "87" marking) on the fuselage spine rather than on the port side of the fuselage below the cockpit


    -- two small air intake scoops on each side of the nose behind the propeller


    Charles Metz

  2. Many thanks for the encouragement and support that many of you expressed in replies to Modeldad's post at the beginning of this thread. I'm deeply touched, and shall never forget your kindness.


    Although the future will be uncertain as always, I intend to remain optimistic and to carry on with my usual routine -- including participation in this website -- as much as possible.


    Again: Thank you.


    Charles Metz

  3. The only ones I'm aware of are from WARBIRDS. OOP, IIRC. But they can be found on Ebay. I know they have P-51B/C's, not sure of other aircraft.....Harv

    The sheet I have was produced by Warbird Decals:


    "Red Tail" P-51C Mustangs PT.1 332nd FG 1/32; SCALE: 1/32; MANUFACTURER: Warbird Decals [uSA]; PRODUCT NO.: 32-001; MARKINGS: Ed Toppins' P-51C "Topper III" (Black A0*0) of 100th FS, 332nd FG; Clarence Lester's P-51C "Miss-Pelt" (Black 7) of 100th FS, 332nd FG; Lee Archer's P-51C "INA The Macon Belle" (Black 72) of 302nd FS, 332nd FG




    [credit: obchod.valka.cz ]


    ... and I'm not aware that they've released any other 332nd FG decals in 1/32 scale.


    Charles Metz

  4. Monte did an early model conversion as well don't forget.

    You probably meant "Montex." Here's a link for Brett Green's review of that truly excellent conversion set at Hyperscale.


    I have the Messier Jerry Rutman A-8 and an R-8 and both are great kits as well - fine detail and accurate - a credit to him - though sadly not any more in production.

    I agree; great kits ... and solrely missed. Here are links for Brett's reviews of Jerry Rutman's standard Fw 190 A-8 kit and the Fw 190 A-8/R-8 "Sturmbock" variant.


    Charles Metz

  5. So, please show me what you guys are working on, home made or pre-fabricated.



    A quick look at this thread from 2009 might save the lives of many electrons. :lol: However, I'd also like to call your attention to a suggestion that I posted last year on a thread that discussed ideal workbench height and to toss in a couple of photos of my workbench, which I think I've posted already on LSP but can't find now:




    That bench consists of a solid-core (<= important!) wooden door screwed to the top of a heavy Scandinavian woodworking bench, which results in a large, flat, very stable surface.




    The tool holders and supporting racks that you see at the back of the bench are from The Container Store, which is an absolutely wonderful resource for shelving, organizational gizmos of all kinds, etc.


    Charles Metz

  6. Kagemusha,


    Neither I nor any other members of the staff were aware that the -2M3 kit had been released, but now I see that that did happen in August, according to the Hobby Boss website. Here are links to that website's listings for the Il-2M kit:




    and for the Il-2M3 kit:




    .... respectively. It''s difficult to be sure from the box-art painting immediately above, but I can see from the kits' multi-view drawings:






    ... that the -2M3 kit does provide the later "Arrow" wing planform.


    Many thanks for your heads-up.


    Charles Metz

  7. I have a MAC.I'm not comp. literate.

    OK, then I can try to help you myself.


    To zoom the entire screen in or out from within the Finder using Mac OS 10.4 (Tiger) through OS 10.6 (Snow Leopard) and perhaps other OS versions, hold down your "Control" key and then scroll in or out out by using your mouse wheel or by stroking the upper surface of a touch-screen mouse or (I think) a laptop's touch pad.


    To zoom only the contents of your Safari browser window in or out after you're at a website, either: [1] hold down the "Command" [⌘] key and type "+" or "-"; or [2] right-click (or Control-click) on the upper frame of your Safari browser window, select "Customize Toolbar", and then drag the "Zoom" icon ("[A]|A]") to a position to the left of your browser's web-address window.


    Try it; you'll like it. :D


    Charles Metz

  8. Not completely off subject, but can someone please read wht it says in blue about the A-1J? My ev=yes aren't what they used to be and cant make it out. Thanks.......Harv :notworking:



    Just in case you don't know already ...


    Both my Mac's operating system and Apple's Safari web browser include keyboard shortcuts that allow me to zoom the entire screen or only the browser's view in or out, respectively, so I suspect that Windows and/or whatever browser you're using with Windows provide similar capabilities. If you'll let us know which particular operating system and browser versions you're using, perhaps someone here can tell you how to accomplish the same thing on your computer. I find the ability to zoom in very useful when small fonts are involved.


    Charles Metz

  9. I think the 21st Century kit is Ju87 B-1 and the Revell kit is a B-2 from memory the lower cowl is the main visible external difference.

    The following photos show that difference fairly well:




    As far as I know, late and/or retrofitted Ju 87 B-1s were virtually indistinguishable from B-2s. Many B-1s did have stub rather than ejector exhausts, but ejector exhausts were sometimes retrofitted (or perhaps even applied originally) to B-1s, as shown in the left-hand photo above. Similarly, most B-1s and B-2s didn't and did have movable flaps at the rear edges of their radiator fairings, respectively, as shown here, but again the movable flaps characteristic of B-2s occasionally appeared on B-1s. In summary: "classic" B-1s had the lower-nose shape shown in the left-hand photo above, stub exhausts, and no radiator-faring flaps, whereas "classic" B-2s had the lower-nose shape shown in the right-hand photo above, ejector exhausts, and radiator-faring flaps. However, close examination of Ju 87 B photos shows that many were hybrids thereof.


    Charles Metz

  10. Also, only Ju 87R had the wing mounted drop tanks.

    Yes, but a Ju 87 R was merely a B with plumbed wings -- no more, no less -- so I don't consider that distinction to be worth talking about.


    These additions doesn't hurt do they?

    Not directly, but they do reenforce the common impression that Trumpeter doesn't always know what it's doing. As I often tell my graduate students: Always sweat the small stuff, because if you don't that right, how can you possibly expect others to trust your judgment concerning less obvious issues?


    Charles Metz

  11. Pardon my ignorance, but when did the -B Stuka ever carry the under wing cannons?

    That same question sprang immediately to my mind as well. The answer is "No,' to the best of my knowledge, so that image isn't encouraging.


    Biting my tongue,


    Charles Metz

  12. Unlike the He177A which was less than successful in service but would still be nice to have in our scale I think.

    I wonder if Revell would ever be tempted to do that one?



    A 1/32 He 177 A-5 would have a wingspan of 38.68 inches (98.25 cm) and a length of 27 inches (68.75 cm) -- approximately 35% larger than a He 111 and almost exactly the same size of a B-17. Perhaps you live in a stadium or have a spare garage bay in which to display your models, :lol: but most of us don't, so I very seriously doubt that Revell -- which depends upon large production runs and mass sales in order to keep prices down -- will release a '177 (or B-17) in 1/32 scale. WingsXL, perhaps, but not Revell.


    Charles Metz

  13. I've moved this thread from Phantom Group Build to Works in Progress at Barry's request. To the best of my knowledge, no supernatural phenomena were involved and no electrons have been harmed.


    Charles Metz

  14. Ed,


    You kept your post short and simple, so I'll try to do the same ...


    Pros of the Hasegawa A6M5: It's quite a bit cheaper -- e.g., US$49.99 vs. US$112.99 at Sprue Brothers.


    Cons of the Hasegawa A6M5: Everything else.


    Hasegawa's offering isn't bad at all for a kit that's been around for approximately 40 years, but it can't compete with Tamiya's on any basis other than price.


    Charles Metz

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