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  1. What I have so far, with more on the way. AMS seat, Rhino intake (re-posted on ebay recently), Master Model pitot and the SAC landing gear. Some of my references. A couple more on the way including the Schiffer book Crusader! Also have the Ginter series in pdf. I've really been wanting to do these markings for quite awhile- seems like a good opportunity now to finally get around to it. VMF-312 was at Da Nang for about 6 weeks, from Dec '65 to Jan '66 for 718 sorties. Right now, looks like I'll be doing the wings straight, up, flaps and slats down, refueling probe out, brakes open, but everything else closed up. In typical Marine style, will hang Mk82's and Zuni's. Will follow up with open box and more pics later Kai
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