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Just a little teaser... :)





Not sure what markings I'm doing yet. The box art has the old invasion stripes, and I feel quite confident about NMF after my P-51 build...


Decisions, decisions.. #beardstroke

Posted (edited)

Can’t tell you why but Christensen’s Miss Fire is an excellent idea ;).

This is a colorized photo so… caveat :P
Usually you see her WITHOUT invasion bands on the upper wings. Also the backdrop of the miss should be yellow instead of white ( NOT that difficult to correct).
Note the XXL insignia on the lower port wing (standard size on the starboard wing).

Edited by quang

I've started in earnest!


Spent half the night sprue-pruning and air-brushing and then the second half of the night, cleaning an airbrush that decided to spit MRP paint all over me!


Here's what I did achieve:


53481234688_81497db88f_b.jpg 53480185132_e9edde8689_b.jpg


Not a lot to show yet. Basic paint applied - next chipping and weathering!


I've always had a real soft-spot for the P-47. In my mind, it bears a lot of similarities with the Hurricane. A rugged hard-working but effective war-horse, with a thoroughbred stable-mate that gets all the glory and limelight. Those thoroughbreds obviously being the Spitfire and Mustang.


I have to this day a Dinky model my mum gave me before my first ever visit to the dentist about 50 years ago to take my mind off the impending torture!




Apparently I had the choice of any aircraft I wanted and I picked this one!


I've actually only built one myself before - unlike Tolga's collection!


This is the venerable Tamiya 1:48 bubbletop - all brush painted, as it was before I discovered rattle cans and subsequently the airbrush.






So this current build is my first ever foray into Large Scale Jugs..


..and talking of which, off to the bench I go. More (I hope) later!


They look fine to me Rich! I think sometimes we’re overly critical; yes for sure we do need better looking parts on occasion but an objective assessment needs to be made about just how much improvement AM parts offer. 

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