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21 minutes ago, Phil88 said:

Bonjour, bonne avancée sur ce montage. C'est drôle parce que je n'ai pas eu autant de difficultés à adhérer lorsque j'ai fermé le mien. C'est juste dommage que je ne puisse pas télécharger de photos de mes retouches avec mon téléphone. Sinon, je vous les aurais montrés. Je vais réessayer depuis chez moi. All the armament looks really good with the decals put by Revell in the model


Thank you! Please share your photos with us, I'd love to see them. Maybe the fit on mine was just exemplary or I did something wrong?


For our non-French speaking friends on this site:


"Hello, good progress on this assembly. It's funny because I didn't have as much trouble adhering when I closed mine. It's just a shame that I can't upload photos of my edits with my phone. Otherwise, I would have shown them to you. I'll try again from home."


5 hours ago, Grunticus said:

One thing I haven't checked is whether or not the ALQ-119 could be carried in conjunction with the 610 gallon fuel tank. If I have to choose, it will be the ALQ-119. It looks cute and interesting.


Edit: if the IDF could carry both as seen in this shot, then the USAF could carry both, no?







No worries mate, the ALQ-119 could be carried in conjunction with the center-line fuel-tank. This goes for the old "fat-style" center-line fuel-tank, as well as the "high-speed" (F-15 style) center-line fuel-tank (which was never used by the 32nd). The only thing to keep in mind is to put the ALQ-119 on the correct forward "sparrow-station" (left-hand side, as shown in the IAF pic), otherwise it will interfere with the nose landing-gear door...


Kind regards,



7 hours ago, Grunticus said:

Would Revell's F-14A be comparable? Ever since dumping the old Tamiya kit which was a handful I still can't forget how cool an IIAF 1977 Tomcat would look on the shelf.

In one word: no! The Revell kitty is a far older kit. It looks like an enlarged 1/48 model with deep and wide panels lines, very basic details, some questionable shapes and a sporty assembly. However, if you simply want a big Tomcat this is the cheapest option.


Until, perhaps if ever, a British Phantom is produced, I have little interest in the plane, but your build and thread make entertaining and interesting reading Leon, thank you! As for being a “laughing stock”, I think admiration for your skills and ingenuity are more befitting. Hope the rest of the build goes smoothly. :D

Posted (edited)
44 minutes ago, mozart said:

Until, perhaps if ever, a British Phantom is produced, I have little interest in the plane, but your build and thread make entertaining and interesting reading Leon, thank you! As for being a “laughing stock”, I think admiration for your skills and ingenuity are more befitting. Hope the rest of the build goes smoothly. :D


Wow Max, thank you! The dry-fitting at this point almost assures me there are no further problems ahead, and I can focus on giving it a clean paint job.


I would buy an RAF F-4 of any mark in in 1/32 in a heartbeat. They are just simply gorgeous. I used to watch them take off and land at RAF Brüggen when I was a kid.




Edit: photo credit goes to Gerrit Kok (I plucked it off Google)

Edited by Grunticus
added photo credit

The radome fit quite well. Top and bottom were perfect, and on the sides the radome was a wee bit too round, resulting in a step of no more than 2/10th of a mm. It was easily remedied with a flexi-file. The seams below the radome still have some sanding dust in them, I use an old shaving brush to clean that out.




There are two tail cones supplied in the kit. One with flat lights, and one with bulged lights:




However, Revell got them completely wrong. Here's the real thing:




Oh no, wait, sorry about that. Here's the real real thing:




I've drilled spheres in to the flat-light part and will add glass lenses after painting, gluing them in with the appropriate color. I have to make the holes a wee bit deeper. They seem perfectly happy with that :D  Aren't they adorable?




I have mated the front fuselage with the back. I clamped the parts against each other as shown and then applied glue along the bottom seam only, and left this to dry thoroughly. As you can see fit is quite good!




There were two small open seams next to the sparrow indents. I have closed them with stretched sprue and a liberal amount of extra thin glue. Just a tad of sanding-filling-sanding will be required. Amazing fit really. Can't complain here.




And lastly the top seams clamped and glued. The weight of the paint stirrer and the slanted attitude of the fuselage help to continually press the seams together until tomorrow. The joint will be dry and strong by then.





20 minutes ago, BLACK MAMBA said:

I believe those are the rear facing quarters RWR sensors, not lights.


Thank you, I was wondering about that. Revell says they're black.

9 hours ago, Shujaa said:

As already mentioned by "Black Mamba", the "lights" on the dragchute housing are Radar Warning Receivers (possibly "APR-39"). However... If I recall correctly the 32nd TFS bird's were not equiped with these RWR's. The top picture on the link below seems to verify my "clouded memory":




Kind regards,




Thanks Rudy, it would appear some were, and some weren't equipped with bulged RWRs? I will have to check my references when decalling. These seem to have them.





The Soesterberg museum example has them, but this machine never flew with the 32nd so bummer.






The 600 gallon tank in the kit comes without sway braces. I have made two from evergreen card stock.






The goodies from Ukraine also arrived today. When the time comes I'll show them in detail and make comparison photos with the kit parts. My first impression in the flesh is that they are really neat and high quality.








The set of wheels. I see that one of the front wheel rims has a flaw. Let's see how Reskit's customer service handles it.




Inboard pylons. Look at the amount of decals for two pylons!




Canopy masking set.




And lastly, two burner cans. They are drop-in fit replacements for the kit parts.




"I stand corrected...", as they tend to say...   


...And learned something regarding 32nd Spook's.   ;)


As for the museum example: "Just another piece of shaijt" (like 90% of their collection...!!!)

Simply appalling, this "institution" calling itself a museum...


Anyway's: Nice update Leon. The AM-stuff surely look's sweet and it will definitely lift the Revell-edition.


BTW: where did You find the first ref-pic ? ("CR/ AF74-054")


Kind regards,



Posted (edited)
46 minutes ago, Shujaa said:

"I stand corrected...", as they tend to say...   


...And learned something regarding 32nd Spook's.   ;)


As for the museum example: "Just another piece of shaijt" (like 90% of their collection...!!!)

Simply appalling, this "institution" calling itself a museum...


Anyway's: Nice update Leon. The AM-stuff surely look's sweet and it will definitely lift the Revell-edition.


BTW: where did You find the first ref-pic ? ("CR/ AF74-054")


Kind regards,




Thanks Rudy. I'll have to see if I can find it again, I found it with Google. I'll report if I do. Yes, the Reskit stuff is just gorgeous. I hope I will do it justice. I agree the Soesterberg museum is not exactly interested in real history. Close to original is good enough for them. Alas. Still glad they preserve what they have.


Edit: here's the original site I found it on (Flickr) Edit 2: here's another, same shot better quality.


Edit 3: I found another serial number with said RWRs:




And 74-050 had them too:




2 hours ago, alain11 said:


it seems that you fixed all the flaws , these goodies look nice ...............the sway braces are top notch :thumbsup: well done 



Thank you Alain. It was a small fun addition and not much work that even I can do.

Edited by Grunticus
added original link to one of the photos

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