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quality of trumpeter kits?


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Well guys, I know I've opened several threads asking things, I hope it doesn't bother you, my question is this ...

How about the trumpeter kits today?

I remember that the kits I had were horrible, for example the Eurofighter (the fit with the fuselage was terrible)
  and his 30mkk flanker G, had horrible things (simple things)

Today these kits as they are? Has the company improved? or are they still the same?

If they have improved, is it known since what kits or what date have they improved?

I ask this because my experience with the kits for me has been bad.

Thanks in advance.

Have a great Sunday

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3 hours ago, SB20 said:

Some kits are pretty darn good.  I very much enjoyed building the P-47 Razorback.  I'm enjoying their Dauntless right now.  I've also trashed many Trumpeter kits out of frustration.   I think it's very kit specific. 


3 hours ago, Dave Williams said:

Trumpeter seems to have distinct A and B teams designing their kits.  Some are good, some not so good.  Really have to ask on a specific kit.


3 hours ago, CATCplSlade said:

Their armor is generally better, but that doesn't help you at this site.


2 hours ago, thierry laurent said:

The accuracy of recent MiG-29s are quite good whereas the P-40s are so-so... There is no hard rule regarding accuracy of Trumpy LSP and this does not change. Nonetheless, the quality of assembly of the recent kits is quite good. 

thanks for answering guys, basically because I have in mind to do the Mig-29, the mig 23 flogger (as far as I know the rear landing gear of the MIG 23 is poorly designed) also the F-100D, and the F105

There is no other company that manufactures these planes at 1:32 scale (as far as I know ...)

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the Mig 23 has all kinds of problems (nose, Canopy, landinggear) there is a thread on here that corrects most of the mistakes. my build still isnt finished, but i corrected the nose and got a resin canopy from HPH that worked great. just have to find the time to finish it


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9 hours ago, blackbetty said:

the Mig 23 has all kinds of problems (nose, Canopy, landinggear) there is a thread on here that corrects most of the mistakes. my build still isnt finished, but i corrected the nose and got a resin canopy from HPH that worked great. just have to find the time to finish it




What is the reference of HPH resin canopy? I'm only aware of the set for the BN. Does it also include a corrected windscreen?

Thank you.

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On 9/8/2019 at 7:48 AM, Dave Williams said:

Trumpeter seems to have distinct A and B teams designing their kits.  Some are good, some not so good.  Really have to ask on a specific kit.


Years ago there was a video done by and American who was given a tour of Trumpeter's plant.

According to the video there are more than 2 teams tho they didn't say how many. The fact that

any given kit can be 90% correct and 10% not, makes it appear that there's a hole in their process

somewhere (too many cooks spoil the broth). They do a very large assortment of kits

(ships, AFVs, planes, etc) so volume can come ahead of quality at times. It's always best to research

any kit you're interested in as there's alot of opinions/reviews online like Dave said.

These days it's part of the process of model building (for me anyway  :coolio:).



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