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1/18 Scale Blue Box F4U-1A Corsair Modification


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5 hours ago, airscale said:

question - those tiny canopy nuts are really effective - how did you do that?


Well - some of the hardware you use would make it even more effective, although much mor expensive.  For this many, I need a more cost effective solution - Meng nuts set B (small).  In real life those screws/bolts and nuts are at the most 3/16 inch (#10) diameter.  Many are even smaller - 5/32 dia (#8).  Scaled down, it's just terribly small.  I use a fresh blade, and cut a 0.8 mm Meng nut part way up its height (leaving the washer portion behind), doing my utmost to make a 90 deg cut so the nut sits square.  Even that is too large but that gives the smallest nut I can make.  One of five or so just disappears suddenly in the process.  I mean disappears.   Poof!  One second it is there, one second it is not.  Like quantum mechanics.   

Edited by JayW
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All that detail is such an integral and crucial part of an F4U canopy, it's a wonder that literally no manufacturers include it in their kits OOB in any scale, not even the almighty 1/32 offering from Tamiya-san. So BIG UPS on cramming so much stuff into such a small space, Jay, it's just amazing how much work and attention you're putting into every aspect of this model. Although I do reckon those Aircorps Aviation plans can be both a blessing and curse in disguise, eh?


I must have said over a year ago that I had run out of adjectives to properly describe how incredible this build is and, like then, I'm not gonna resort to profanity on here cuz this is a respectable establishment.


But, I certainly would in real life, haha!


Go, Jay, GO! :punk:

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10 hours ago, TAG said:

Jay, it's just amazing how much work and attention you're putting into every aspect of this model. Although I do reckon those Aircorps Aviation plans can be both a blessing and curse in disguise, eh?


You got it Thomaz.  The drawings are so cool - you actually see what was created on vellum back in 1942 or 43.   Sometimes I feel duty bound to try to duplicate it.  To a fault.


I hope my audience here will indulge me as I do a Corsair celebration of sorts, as this is a big milestone - fuselage completion.  Before beginning wing work, I decided to final install the engine and cowling plus all that was waiting for it - the dead flap mod panel, and the exhaust stack cover plates.  Also I repaired (again) the landing gear doors in hopes that I will not break them off again.  Doing all that was oh so satisfying, because I have waited years to do it.  Finally.  Let the show begin......


Many of you will remember way back when, when I fabricated six exhaust stacks, assisted by a complicated locating fixture.  These were made mostly from .125 inch thick solder, the thickest pliable material I could find and not quite thick enough - should have been about .14 inch diameter.  I now could permanently bond them onto the back of the engine cylinders: 




With that, I applied a liberal amount of 2-part epoxy and bonded the long awaiting engine to the fuselage.  You have already seen some pictures of it just placed in position, but never permanently, and never with the exhaust cover plates installed and weathered:





Man, what a mess.  


Peering inside the open cowl flaps, as if it wasn't busy enough, now the exhaust stacks can be detected in there:




Note too the dead flap panel is now permanently bonded in place.  Closer still:




Some are intake pipes, some exhaust stacks.  


OK lets pan back some and look at the whole model as it stands so far.  First with canopy closed and engine panels in place:








The "17" on this side is about as good as it's gonna get. 




I am very proud of those scratch-built elevators.  The rudder - not so much.  I have decided I will make another, probably my next task. 


Let's open some stuff up - after all I worked my tail off designing and making things that can be removed or slid back:




Last post didn't show the yellow handle well enough....there it is.






I still remember the discussions a couple years ago about leaving the engine out and displaying it alone.  Well - here it is as exposed as it is going to get.







I am so happy that tail wheel can swivel - I see Corsair pics all the time with the tail wheel in odd orientations - clearly from being towed or pushed backward, or sideways.


OK enough of this shameless show-boating.  This thing is far from perfect, but OMG what a difference from the original:




OK - it's been right at four years now since I posted that last picture.  What remains is as follows:


Rudder Mk 2


Radio mast and wire rigging

Axle caps on main wheels


Then it's time for the RFI post.  It will happen later this year - the wings will be a pretty big deal.


Thanks for looking in, and thanks for your patience!  Hope you like the finished fuselage.    







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You know what, seeing these photos actually made me a little sad, cuz I'm fairly certain I'll never get to see this model in person, and that is definitely something to be sad about... My only consolation is that there's more to come, with the outer wings (and gun bays?) yet to be built, painted, and installed. But I'll quit my whining because I feel a HUGE congrats is in order.


Dude, Jay, what a tour de force!


It's been an absolute pleasure following along for all these years, if I was a betting man, I'd put all my ducats on this being the greatest F4U replica of all time, and you're not even done yet. Hat's off to you for the vision, craftsmanship, and perseverance. Your efforts are paying off in spades so go grab yourself a wee dram of your favorite single malt, cuz you deserve it, fella.


Cannot wait for the final few episodes in this epic saga!

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54 minutes ago, TAG said:

with the outer wings (and gun bays?) yet to be built, painted, and installed.


Gun bays?  Hadn't planned on it.   Oh no - is this going to be another one of those items where my arm gets twisted?    

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8 hours ago, JayW said:


Gun bays?  Hadn't planned on it.   Oh no - is this going to be another one of those items where my arm gets twisted?    

Okay time for a vote:  I vote yes to the gun bays if the wings are open, no if you plan to make them foldable for obvious reasons.  However, you’ll have to make all four joining surfaces if you fold ‘em up, so it would be a wash, work wise.  I’ve never been a big fan of open gun bays on models because they tend, to me, to be tedious.  But what you are doing is anything but tedious, so…..    But if you did the oh so trite one wing up, one wing down thing, then you could do both a wing fold and a gun bay and we’d all be happy.

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Voting on a project I'm not building, and have no vested interest in, other than it's magnificent and we can make Jay bow to peer pressure?!  I'm in!!


Rudder... It's good.  I had my doubts earlier, but considering how it looks with the rest of the machine?  I like it.


Wings and gun bays.  Spread 'em and no gun bays. Already SO many details to soak up. When is enough, enough?


I say that because my vote is for Jay to wrap up the 4-year build and start on scratch building a certain P-51 that I know he's itching to do... 

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3 hours ago, Oldbaldguy said:

I vote yes to the gun bays if the wings are open, no if you plan to make them foldable for obvious reasons.


2 hours ago, easixpedro said:

Wings and gun bays.  Spread 'em and no gun bays. Already SO many details to soak up. When is enough, enough?


2 hours ago, easixpedro said:

Rudder... It's good.  I had my doubts earlier, but considering how it looks with the rest of the machine?  I like it.


OK.  Rudder.  I think that rudder, the way it looks so obviously fabric covered, has a certain appeal.  That is what still gives it a chance.  Because otherwise it has some issues.  Unless my mojo declines, I am going to build another one without cannibalizing the first one, do a compare, and use the best one.  Gonna take a couple of weeks to make another one - it's no little thing.  It is first on my list of things remaining to do.


The wing - I have done one thing only on wings so far, and that is to attempt to break one apart (a top half and a bottom half).  I failed.  Did that a few months ago.  It is glued together so firmly that I am afraid I will destroy it to get it apart.  So that is an issue.  In order to do what I want to do, I really have to get it apart.  I hope that once I dremmel away large sections of it (see list below) that perhaps I can get at the more stubborn glued down features and get it apart without destroying it.  If not, I may have to pull back on some of my plans.


So what do I want to do - 

  • Greatly improve the outboard flap - it is currently a separate part like the mid and inboard flaps are, and just looks stupid.
  • Add flap gap doors just like was done on the inboard wing. 
  • Dremmel away ailerons, make new scratch-built ones including trim tab and balance tabs plus control rods.
  • Dremmel away the bays that are fabric covered, make substructure and cover with thin plastic sheet like I did with the elevators (make those bays look fabric covered).
  • Greatly improve gun muzzle openings - currently just pitiful.
  • TBD treatment of the gun magazines & gun bay covers.
  • Skin the non-fabric surfaces in aluminum - not sure about this one, as I am beginning to get the impression the wings are totally covered by fabric even on existing metal skins.  Must do more research.  
  • a long list of miscellaneous improvements - tip lights, landing light, ID lights, access doors, etc


I have never done a gun bay.  I am not afraid to scratch build six ma deuces.  But I do fear modeling belts of ammunition in a convincing manner.  I sort of agree with Peter (our ex-naval aviator whose opinions I always take into consideration) - how much is too much....already I have a rudder that can be turned any which way, a tail gear that can swivel any which way, a canopy that can be slid back or forward or anywhere in between, four engine cowl panels any one or more that can be detached and reattached, and same for the two engine accessories bay panels.  Most are features that will be cool for a while, then ultimately will not be tampered with for eons, so why bother.


Wing fold - no, that ship has sailed.  So much detail would have had to be designed into the center wing details for that to look like it's supposed to.  Look at the 1/32 Tamiya model to see what I mean.  Besides, I am pretty sure VF-17 while deployed to the land bases in the Solomons was not folding wings, even those rare occasions (maybe only one!) where they had to do carrier operations.   I really wish I could have done a working wing fold; this model is huge and with wings added is going to command some serious desk-top or shelf acreage.  Anybody who could pull that off, even in 1/18 scale, is somebody I want to meet.


Thanks for the great responses - keep 'em coming in.   





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"It is glued together so firmly that I am afraid I will destroy it to get it apart.  So that is an issue.  In order to do what I want to do, I really have to get it apart"


Jay, with what you have achieved so far, is there any mileage in scratchbuilding the whole wing?

That way you can include all of the details you'd like and they'll be correct from the get-go.





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