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"Hawks" Marine Intruder, Nam Phong 1972 FINISHED


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from the top, the new divider for the B/Ns ip is in place. i have used a template (on the right console) to get the lenght of it correct:




the template of the right side ip in place:




iclination of the right side ip changed, center divider cut to fit. i used a pic of the ip that also shows the frame of the windshield to get the angle close:




the B/Ns center console will have to be moved back (and may change the position of his seat, we will see.....


stay tuned

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thank you for all the support, guys!


i have now glued the panelparts together. a little angled panel suspends the B/Ns ip on the right

on the top of the center console is a slightly angled panel for the ECM warning control panel

i assembled the seats to get an idea of their position



Edited by blackbetty
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the B/Ns panel is now further back (as veryfied by photos of the real thing), this moves the center control panel with the little joystick back too. i had to cut it off and make it higher on the bottom, the top is slightly shortened on the front, then it is positioned further aft. the seats are staggered in the kit, but not quite enough, the B/Ns seat is to far forward



Edited by blackbetty
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