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Intruder "just the finish"!

P Stoner

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Thanks allot you guys, this kit is really starting to grow on me now that it's getting close( stay on target!!) I mean it's starting to look like an Intruder! You can see the other A-6 kits in the back ground! I've been waiting a long time! Glad you guys like it, got some outside help on the way to hopfully finish this beast! Sure would be col to have a group build up by the time I start the next Intruder!



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Paul that is looking fantastic! - Really inspirational to get me back on my build (sorta tied up on the decals for it still....)

No rush there buddy. I hope more who have it build it! This is become a real fun kit!



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She's looking great Paul!!


Looks like you have a fetish for Tamiya Phantoms eh??


Keep the great pics coming

It's way more than a fetish! More like a marrage! This kit here will be more of a fetish I'm sure!




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Well I took a shot at painting this tail and not 100% happy with it, but it's on there and I'll just have to live with it! The letters are just a bit to big I think, but when I look at the b/w photo in the Osprey book it looks fine!!!!!!!! Anywho, numbers are next along with the leading edge of the stab ( which radome tan is not the correct color I believe!)







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Wow Paul, totally looks awesome. Although, you might be right...the letters on the tail does look small considering the size of it. :hmmm:

I thought it was to scale when I drafted it up and it's just a hair big, but not enough to sand it off and try again!! Better luck next build! Hopfully the numbers won't make them look even bigger, but that's how it goes when you use spare decals from here and there! Press On!!



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Finished with the painting for the markings and got some numbers on board! The BuNo. looks ok, but the 00 on top are a bit small! I'll use decals from 5 different sheets to try and pull this off. Still not 100% sur on the color for the leading edge, and the grey on top of the light shows to be the same color as the anti-glare color for the windscreen! Now with some sort of markings it's starting to look like something.







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The build looks great!



I remember seeing the A-6's almost on a daily basis when I lived right outside Norfolk Naval Air Station back in the '60's and '70's. My dad was active duty Navy back then so I (We) went on base all the time.

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Guest Peterpools


The finish is sure looking super smooth. I'm with you and can't wait to she her with all the decals and some washes.

Keep 'em coming

:popcorn: :popcorn:

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