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You and me both Mike this my first shot :) Ok so heres where iam at not much to show but its something, thew kit should go togeather fairly quickly its the paint scheme thats gona take awhile. the one big issue i had was where the front fusalage attaches to the rear not the best fit it needs alot of putty but thats something i dont have so this thing is gona be less than perfict.





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and more i decided to do the orange free hand and hope it looks ok, Chris the ripper helped buy giveing me some info on the color un fortunatly no one around here had the color so i mixed 90% chrome yellow and 10% insignia red looks pretty spot on.




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You better make shure you good and drunk Sean this thing is not like the others B)


Ok so shes decaled still have alot of little things to do, there are alot of goofs and mistakes but it at least looks good.

from a far far far distance ;)





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Thanks Sean


Ok here she is there sre some minor goofs and gliches but pretty happy this being my first tigermeet bird.

So heres the run down models painted with MM enamels the luaffantanza yellow was acheved by mixing a 1/4 bottle of chrome yellow with 4 drops of insignia red worked out good to, i did the orange free hand and screwed up in a few places but not all that bad you can see some of them kinda hard to fix though. The inner missles where worped so bad i left them off, once the hole bird was decaled i brushed on a few coats of future and i was done hope ya like i had fun building this one.





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