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Hello guys.


The desire to make a "jug" had been on my mind for a while.

The opportunity presented itself when I saw my friend "Furie", bored all alone putting together his P47. He told me during a telephone conversation that after the Tempest he would make a P47 "razorback". The opportunity was too good: "shall we do it together?", the answer didn't make us wait: "ok".

So here I am, just out of charity in assembling this "jug". This is only a joke against Denis, who is a great model maker and a good friend.


Eileen has already been done by Thunnus, I have no claim to do as well as him, I don't have his level at all. I just wanted to make a P47 with a checkered engine cover or with a Pinup. To make the model, I took the masks from Montex, the resin wheels from Barracuda, the weaponry from Master and the photo cutting board from Eduard.








Here the assembly is launched, now it's gone. The start of photo editing is coming soon.



Another Jug in the starting blocks!
Well, welcome Philippe, because plenty of good never hurts!
But don't worry, we're not talking about a new “French connection” here, just a bunch of buddies who want to make plastic vibrate.  :beer4:


See you soon, amigo!


Hello plastic fitters.

Thank you Denis and Michael.


Before starting, I prefer to warn you that I love using humor and that if I tease the "French connection", it is always in all friendship. Rest assured, they do the same to me. 
On the other hand, if you have any advice to give, don't hesitate because I subsequently plan to make other P47s.

Let's start assembling the beast.

I'll start with the engine block. I would not make the affront of giving you the technical characteristics of this magnificent machine that is the Pratt & Whitney 2800 double wasp. I'll just show you the edit and my version.




Some pieces are already glued together.

At this scale it is impossible to miss certain details. Start of hostilities by setting up the spark plugs. I use 3D candles from anyz.




Eighteen cylinders, two candles per cylinder, that gives us 36 candles. If you want to know the age of Furie, you take the number of spark plugs in the engine, multiply it by two and remove around ten spark plugs. 😂




All 36 are present even if we don't see them all.

The cylinder banks are blank coupled




Just to see, setting up the front part of the engine




After a coat of matt black on the cylinders, application of alclad aluminum. I already see people who are crying foul because I put a matte undercoat. However, I got the desired effect.






Preparing for the spark plug wires, remember? 36 candles therefore....... 36 cables. QED




We begin the gluing operation




Three hours later, the spider is done. And to tell you something, I finished this piece in the evening. In the morning I pass by my office and the spider is gone. I forgot to put it away and the house cat who passed by really thought it was an insect, a real hunter but limited to spiders at most. Luckily for me I found the part without too much damage.




There you go, for the moment the ignition cables are raw, they will be painted later. 
Please follow and enjoy.... or not.

Posted (edited)

I do like radial engines, but it is very time consuming to do them properly.

So did you agree to give @Furie a head start and then race him to he finish?  :rolleyes:


Edited by Biggles87

Thank you to everyone who follows and appreciates.
Indeed, obviously “Eileen” is popular, but who will complain?

Come on, let's continue. The magnetos as well as the rocker arm supports received their color. The rocker rods too. Namely “Nato Black” from Ak Réal-Color. The front part of the engine was painted in “Grey-blue” from Revell, in Aqua-color version. The close-ups are really terrible.




Reading Thunnus' post, I followed how he improved the engine, I tried, at my level, to do the same. Put the box in place placed on the ignition crown.




The two engine support crowns are in place, they are painted in ZYC from Ak, error on my part, it would seem, after reading Furie's post, that they are not in ZYC but in aluminum. I will make the change shortly.




After two days of work on the engine I realized that I was missing other details. So... Installation of the box on the propeller shaft.




That's it, it's done too. The parts are painted. The spark plug cables are also done.




Following the celebrations, normally this engine has a limp in front of the two magnetos just above the propeller and the ....... well there is nothing. You'll have to be cunning. After thinking I get this




We are getting closer, I add a control wheel on the part and the cam which controls said box to ultimately obtain this




The same thing in close-up




Well, it's not perfect, but I'll be happy with it. Happy reading everyone.


Hello everyone, update of the assembly of the named "Eileen.

The engine area having been treated, let's now move on to the cockpit.

Observation: there is work. But I knew what to expect having followed the different P47 assemblies that were carried out here.

First thing to do, due to the use of Mr. Eduard's PE board, clean the side walls and start organizing everything with different conduits or cables. Left wall first




For the moment certain pipes, cables and others are being installed on a temporary basis. 

The right wall then




The fuel tank selector, at least what I think is the fuel tank selector, is, in Trumpeter's vision, on the floor when in reality it is on the left side wall.

I also took the opportunity to start putting in place the linkages that come from the throttle control, I don't like the positioning, they will be modified later.

Note that to clearly visualize the work, I gave it a quick coat of primer.




I started the draft of the onboard lamp which is on the same wall




Start of installation of the photoetched on the floor.




The pipe located in front of the elevator control has changed, it will be replaced by a piece of metal with the correct shape. The collars that will hold it are already in place.




The said pipe is put in place as is the control located on the floor on the right. Just to see how everything fits together, lay the side wall blank.




That's all for now. Good luck friends and good reading for those who read the post.

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