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Revell He-162 in 1/32 scale


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It is done! I declared my Revell Salamander in 1/32 scale finished. It was one of the most arduous modeling projects I put myself into. Of course, I had to make many concessions along the way, but it is virtually impossible to foresee all the problems from the outset in a project like this one. Some parts were made three, four, or five times – only to discover that the last was not all that better than the first one. However, I enjoyed the journey immensely, as it was one of those opportunities when you can incorporate much of your research into the model, and, in the process, I shattered David Parker’s Panzer IV record by almost a year.



I will leave with just a few photos, but I do, however, want to write an article showing the methods and techniques used to scratchbuilt all the details of the Salamander.






This model is planned to be part of a diorama, over a flatbed being pulled by a maneuvering engine. The diorama will still take a while because my apartment is under a major overhaul.



I have had a lot of support and encouragement from many friends during this project.
Thanks, everyone!

Rato Marczak

Edited by Rato
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So much to admire about this model, right down to the awesome little window cut-out in the canopy.   Lots of detail that hasn't come from a packet and lots of evidence that you, Rato, ooze bucket loads of patience.   Beautiful work.





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