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Trumpeter Super bug

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1 hour ago, Breaker said:


Interesting, i was looking at getting some of the their growler stuff but that may have me holding off. 

I haven't used the Growler set yet so I cannot speak to the fit, but the print quality and finish is great on the set that I have. Same for the Landing Gear set..



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Yep, count me out of Phase hangar stuff!

progress report, slow but it's a marathon not a sprint.

I've taken the last couple of days to cut out plastic to add the Eduard p/e that I have selected for use (including but not limited to this stuff)

test fitting and gluing in progress





the screen in the centre of the model is showing the Eduard piece that is apparently the wrong shape (going from ref. pics.) the kit screen is correct but not great being just a plastic representation



I traced the shape onto RB Productions "radiator and oil cooler" screen and cut that out and glued it in (backed with a bit of sheet here)



all the p/e added to date:




All for now

Thanks for looking

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The Trumpeter control yoke is a bit large. I'm adapting the spare stick from the Revell F recently finished to this kit. The I.P. included for a sense of scale



I thought it might be easier to just cut sheet styrene to replace the panels that would accept the Quinta Studios component than to sand the kit parts flat



A new base for the rear control stick was cobbled together being copied from and closer in size to the Revell component



as well as starting to add plumbing to the gear bays. This is my start with .020' lead wire





play continues

Thanks for looking

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Not following any kind of logical build pattern, as well, a friend in the local club has donated (for a low low price) his trumpeter E bug that he'll never build. I have decided I need to try using the kit's engine intakes or at least see if I can make them presentable for any future build (not wanting to buy another set of GT resin seamless intakes) I glued together the kit parts, filled the seams with Tamiya putty and CA cut sanding sticks into short lengths CA'd those sticks to wood sticks and sanded the snot out of the glued seams. This is a comparison of the kit pieces and the GT ones.






A shot of primer a little later should tell me if I'm using them or shopping for more GT resin for yet another Hornet at some point

I should note, having built a previous Trumpeter E, and an EA 18 I think the Revell kit (although not without issues) is possibly slightly more refined in the moldings

Aaannd that's all for now

Thanks for looking

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I have splashed on some primer and Tamiya lacquer gloss white and, a bit of alclad on the fan face

the black lines on the intake trunking is to remind me where the seams are




I think I'll continue on with the kit intake trunks...well I think for now, that could still change

Thanks for looking

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There is an alternative set of seamless intakes on the market Chris, a guy in Aus does a 3DP set along with some Growler upgrades. MPV productions or similar - if you want me to dig out his email, let me know. 

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47 minutes ago, Breaker said:

There is an alternative set of seamless intakes on the market Chris, a guy in Aus does a 3DP set along with some Growler upgrades. MPV productions or similar - if you want me to dig out his email, let me know. 

Yes, please do

im sure this won’t be the last bug I build


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Posted (edited)

Aaannd a short update, nothing, absolutely nothing to do with my modelling abilities, the Quinta Studios cockpit bits have been glued in, that is, most of them, still have the seats to do and the control stick handles decals will not fit the Revell control stick I've stol...borrowed from the Revell kit






I really do enjoy detailing and painting cockpits but, how can I beat these?!

Amazing stuff and fits perfectly!

Thanks for looking

Edited by chrish
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Still plugging away...or should that be unplugging, unplugging the plastic screens and adding the Eduard p/e screens. I think these are the last ones to install





I've managed to get the intakes fitted ans seams mostly dealt with, pretty happy with the kit intakes seams








The fun continues

Thanks for looking

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