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Found 18 results

  1. This is a build based off of Hasegawa's IdolMaster boxing of the F-16. As with all things, I spent more on all of the additions then the actual model. Fun build, my first Hasegawa kit. The below was added to the kit for this build or used as a resource: · The Scale Viper: A Modeler’s Guide to Building the F-16 – Pete Fleischmann · The Modern Viper Guild, 2nd Edition – Jake Melampy · Decals: Caracal: USAF F-16C “Dark Vipers” part 4 · Royale Resin: antenna Upgrader Set · GT Resin 1/48 ALQ-184 ECM Pod & F-16 Wild Weasel Set · Eduard Sniper Pod As with all things, once the build was done I can find were I need to improve, but it is about the experience and it was fun build. ..an honestly, if I never have to mask and paint another stripe on a missile, I will be fine with that!
  2. Hot off my workbench is this 1/48 Tamiya Viper done as a Block 52 of the Republic of Singapore Air Force's 143 Squadron "Phoenix". I used the Thunderbird boxing as the basis for this build. Mainly built out-of-the-box with Fine Molds seatbelts and ScaleNutz decals as the only aftermarket used. To represent a RSAF bird, some details had to be scratch-built including the plate-mounted AIFF antennae, HMCS sensor on the canopy and GPS receiver on the spine. The model was painted primarily with Mr Color lacquers. Weathering was done with a mix of AK Interactive, Ammo by Mig and oil paints. I also played around with some new techniques to give it a more weathered appearance. Loadout depicted is typical for a peacetime intercept mission consisting of 2 AIM-120C AMRAAMs, 2 AIM-9M Sidewinders, 2 370 gallon wing tanks and a AN/AAQ-33 Sniper XR pod on the right cheek station. Hope you enjoy the photos! Mark
  3. Now that I’ve got the ‘Flanker’ out of the way, and a clear bench that says “get something built”, I suppose I better tackle my next bout of insanity. It’s a really doozy as well. I have 4x F-16s that will have various colourful schemes applied, rather than a bunch of grey jets. All to be built inflight and posed on stands, I’m over gear down builds these days as I just can’t do the gear and bays justice. So here’s what I have….. 2 Tamiya F-16Cs kits. 2 Academy F-16I kits. And what I plan to do with them….. The ‘Zeus’ aircraft is a new build of a model I’d already built before, but the paint suffered some failure and cracked beyond any reasonable attempt at repair. So, I decided to do it from the ground up again. I’m saving the parts unique to the ‘Thunderbirds’ jet, and saving them for a future build when I get my head around creating a custom mask from the decals. This will take my Viper collection to 6 in total, when they’re finished. It goes without saying, that this one will be a slow burner once the plastic has been built. I won’t bore everyone with the building process, most here know all of that, and will know what an F-16 work in progress goes like. I don’t intend to go into any major conversion/backdating work for individual blocks, just using what’s available in the boxes to make them look like the jets they’re being based on. They’re all about the paint schemes for me. I’ll probably stop by with the occasional seat/pilot figure photo, production line progress shot, and go into the nuts and bolts of each individual paint scheme as it’s applied. That’s me sorted ‘til summer ‘22. Catch up with you all soon. Pete.
  4. Hello everyone, Here is my 1/32 Tamiya F-16C Aggressor in the BDU scheme. First off, I'm not a photographer, just a modeller .. The images were taken with my cellphone but hopefully clear enough to show the model properly. Here is the build link: https://forum.largescaleplanes.com/index.php?/topic/89407-132-f-16-bdu-scheme/ I hope you enjoy.. Regards Victor
  5. This is different. https://taskandpurpose.com/culture/air-force-f-16-gold-iowa/?fbclid=IwAR135ZXC_CLsD1lwFLDpzLQW5L0rlaYNtwg4wNN5nLBzyBNqv0uBb7YMJXk Cheers, Dave
  6. Navy Will Get Air Force F-16 Fighter Jets to Fill Super Hornet Gap | Military.com Cheers, Dave
  7. I recently finished a long build of Su-25 (long as in the meantime model landed in the box couple of times) and was wondering what next. I took me couple of days to decide and take out model which I got very long time ago. It was my second purchase of 1:32 birds, I gave around 50 bucks for it, so it was rather a bargain. So here it is my F-16C/CJ Block 50 from Tamiya. Apart from model itself, I'm planning to use: - Aires Cockpit Set - Aires Wheel Bay - Aires Exhaust nozzles - Wheelliant Wheels - M61 gun from Master - CMK intake (not sure about this one) - Eduard Canopy Masks - Master Piot and AoA - Master Static Discharges - ResKit BRU-57 (probably) Additionally I have some - Wolfpack's JDAMs - Wolfpack's JSOWs - Eduard's B and C AMRAAMs - Eduard's Sidewinders I would like to do an Aggressor scheme but they rarely are full loaded, so I have problem here - will se later. Due to COVID-19 I'm still waiting for some of above, so it will be long build. As of now, I've started with fuel tanks, HARMs and pylons: . . And as I will have aftermarket exhaust I will put engine on service cart. . Glued engine: . Now I will add some wiring to engine.
  8. I don’t normally start kits while I have others on the go, but my revell Mustang has an enamel gloss black base coat curing, slowly. I need to fill the few days void. In a couple of other threads, I reference my awesome wife who lets me spend money on models if we have a bit spare. We were flicking through some pictures of “pretty” (her term) F-16’s. Not being able to tie it down to a single favourite, she took the unprecedented step of buying these... The first, as you can see will be adorned in the truly spectacular ‘Zeus’ scheme from the HAF. The second one, is equally spectacular. The 18th Aggressor Squadron from Eielson AFB. Alaska provide me with one of the coolest splinter schemes I’ve seen. Now you can imagine my quandary, and why Mrs Stokey Pete said “why not build them both then?” They'll be pretty much OOB builds, with exception of the CFT tanks and parabrake parts (generously donated by @Kagemusha) for the Greek jet. I’m allowing a little artistic licence with regard the particular blocks and bits that don’t come with the kits. Having spent handsomely already, I didn’t want to push my luck by asking for intake and exhaust conversions. Stay tuned for the opening salvos once I’ve worked out my build sequences. Pic’s grabbed from Pinterest, no copyright information to allow credits to photographers.
  9. Hello again all, its been a few months since I have posted any of my builds. I finished my f-16 on 6/12/16. This is everything I have into this build. First of all this is the 1/32 Tamiya f-16 block 50 kit converted into a f-16 block 42 for the Ohio Air National Guard out of Toledo, Ohio. I added a few extras to the build. The extras that were used were the eduard interior, eduard canopy mask. Cross Delta scab plates, master model aoa probe. Also added was the academy f-16 sniper pod, and a piece of vinyl was cut out and added to the tail base for the blos modification for modern f-16's by Harold at AMS resin. I also used the ZACTO MODELS aim-9x's which were very nice as well. And for the decals, the decals were by JAKE MELAMPY of Reid air publishing BIG SCALE VIPERS sheet, these decals were amazing to work with, if you see this Jake, awesome job !! The fun part about this build was trying to get the right paint formula for this paint scheme, the have glass jets are very hard to paint, especially trying to get the metallic sheen that is has it the sun. Me and Mike Reed came up with a formula and i think it looks that part, well at least in my opinion. Well here are some pictures, I hope you guys like them. Any questions or comments are welcome Jeff
  10. Bumped onto this in YouTube: https://youtu.be/HZ6mr8wAW5E This guy did a great job with DN Models' masks. Glad to have videos like that viral. Shows how things can be done the easy way.
  11. Helo modelmakers, This is my recently finished Tamiya F-16CJ. The kit was a joy to build, as always with Tamiya. No big issues. The only issue is the damn decals, i did not want to use aftermarket decals, so i used that was included with the kit. They are too damn thick! Painting was done with Tamiya, Gunze, MRP, Alcalad II and Extreme metal AK. Weathering was done with oils, AK and AMMO stuff. AM CMK/Czech Master Kits (only front wheel bay) Master (Static dischargers) Zactomodels (AIM 9L) Here are the pictures, hope you enjoy
  12. I've always loved the looks of the F-16, even more so when it wears Israel's colors and markings. When the opportunity arose to trade for a 1/32 Tamiya F-16CJ with Isradecals, additional resin, and Isracast conversion parts, I took it (A big THANK YOU to Petrov27 here on LSP). When the very large box arrived last week, I began to explore my options. (That's actually his picture) My first inclination was to build it as a Barak (Hebrew for Lightning) of 101 Squadron (First Fighter Squadron) with its distinctive large winged skull emblem. But after looking over the decals and my book on the Barak, the tail art of 117 Squadron, The First Jet Squadron, really took my fancy. But the problem was 117 Squadron flew block 30 F-16's, and they were small mouth (NSI intake) block 30's. To build this I'd have to cross pollenate the intake from a 1/32 Tamiya F-16 Thunderbirds kit to build a plane from this squadron. Then I exchanged emails with Ra'anan Weiss of Isradecals. He said plane 360, is one of the few IAF block 30 F-16's with the large mouth, or MCID, intake. Problem solved. He's even sending me one of the squadron's 60th anniversary decals for the tail base. The first thing I've done, is problem solve how to fit some of the aftermarket bits for this plane. The Aires exhaust pipe fits spot on. And the detail is awesome. I must be careful aligning the inner and outer parts. They're slightly off in that picture, but they will look killer painted. Speaking of paints, I picked these up to lend a hand with the camouflage on this bird: I'll have some pictures of work being done soon. The first thing I'm going to tackle is the Aires gear bays. They fit well enough, but it's going to take a little work to make it just right.
  13. In the last couple of months, I haven't been doing a lot of modelling... That's because I've been helping with a cool book project. Well, it's actually a series of books for aircraft modellers and enthusiasts. I hope it's okay that I post some info on it here. This project is to make aircraft reference books that are packed with a mix of great action photos and detail photos - and trying to do this for a reasonable price - 3 to 4 times per year. Next Wednesday, the first two will be coming from the printers and the next 3 books are well on their way. The first two are on the Jaguar and the F-16. These books are 24 x 24 cm in size and are printed on thick paper. The Jaguar book is 84 pages and packed with over 250 photos of RAF, French and Indian Jaguars. With the help of fellow enthusiasts, it is filled with every possible detail, but also with some great action photos. Every cockpit detail, lot's of maintenance shots, etc. The F-16 book has more pages and shows everything from active F-16's - so F-16A MLU to the latest F-16E. Some F-16 pilots helpt out for this book: the cover is a great shot by one of them, showing F-6's carrying 6 Amraams. There are also some great cockpit photos - even in flight! This book has 108 pages and over 370 photos. In all, F-16's from over 20 countries are shown in this book. The Jaguar book costs 20 euro, the F-16 22 euro. A website is being constructed, but there's still some work on it: www.hmh-publications.com You can find a preview of each book there. I liked the idea of these books, because they were made by a modeller who was looking for a reference book on the Jaguar and because he didn't find what he wanted, just started to make a book for himself. When he showed it to a few people, they all wanted one, so it was decided to make it into a "real" book. After that, it became a series... Some modellers advised on what kind of photos were needed, which was very helpful. It was great to meet enthusiastic people with a passion for aircraft and for modelling. Just for that alone, it was great to be in the project. I hope you don't mind my posting this here. Nic
  14. edit: NOW SHIPPING!!! Great news for those unlucky souls who missed out on Pete 'Pig' Fleischmann's The Scale Viper!! There will be a 2nd print run due to return from the printers in November, along with The Modern SLUF Guide!! This is a very limited print run, so don't miss out a 2nd time. Preorders are now being accepted on the Reid Air Publications webstore and shipping will begin immediately upon return next month. http://www.reidairpublishing.com/product-p/rap007.htm
  15. How about some 1/32 Viper decals for your Tamiya F-16? This sheet is sized for the Tamiya 1/32 Viper. All jets are Block 40, 42, 50, or 52, so the Tamiya CJ kit is going to be the basis. Obviously, some options on this sheet will require some swapping with the Thunderbirds kit to get the correct engine/intake combo or get one of the aftermarket offerings available. Options include 1) Block 52 92-3911, 169th Fighter Wing, SCANG, 50th Anniversary Wild Weasels, August 2015 2) Block 52 93-0545, 169th Fighter Wing, SCANG, 5th Gen Have Glass paint, April 2015 3) Block 50 98-0005, 85th Test & Evaluation Squadron, 53rd Wing, Eglin AFB, 5th Gen Have Glass paint, February 2012 4) Block 50 91-0382, 522nd Fighter Squadron, 27th Fighter Wing, Cannon AFB, NM, February 2007 5) Block 50 91-0336, 148th Figther Wing, MNANG, 5th Gen Have Glass paint, July 2014 6) Block 50 90-0805, 13th Fighter Squadron, 35th Ops Group flagship, Misawa AB, Japan, April 2012 7) Block 40 89-2124, 150th Fighter Wing, NMANG, Kirtland AFB, NM, January 2003 8) Block 42 89-2082, 180th Fighter Wing, OHANG, Toledo, Ohio, 5th Gen Have Glass paint, November 2015 9) Block 40 89-2105, 114th Fighter Wing, SDANG, Sioux Falls, SD, June 2015 10) Block 40 89-2003, 347th Wing flagship, Moody AFB, GA, September 1998 These should look great in 1/32!! They are already at Cartograf for printing so I hope to have them available by late January, if not sooner. As always, they will be available directly at the Reid Air Publications website.
  16. Hi guys 'n' gals, Whilst searching for an image to illustrate an observation on Peter's Viper build I stumbled across these jazzy Polish birds. Some interesting cammo on the FAST packs of this one http://www.airliners.net/photo/Poland---Air/Lockheed-Martin-F-16CJ/2647663/L/&sid=37711b4f1f5c7f0b43a15a9137c8786f http://www.airliners.net/photo/Poland---Air/Lockheed-Martin-F-16CJ/2648738/L/&sid=37711b4f1f5c7f0b43a15a9137c8786f they match the tail..... http://www.airliners.net/photo/Poland---Air/Lockheed-Martin-F-16DJ/2490860/L/&sid=22ba19745899fc49e99465e758642e02 And a low-viz Tiger scheme: http://www.airliners.net/photo/Poland---Air/Lockheed-Martin-F-16CJ/2652693/L/&sid=37711b4f1f5c7f0b43a15a9137c8786f (Mind you, if colour's your thing, the Turks went all-out on their Tiger.... http://www.airliners.net/photo/Turkey---Air/Lockheed-Martin-%28TUSAS%29/2649624/L/&sid=37711b4f1f5c7f0b43a15a9137c8786f http://www.airliners.net/photo/Turkey---Air/Lockheed-Martin-%28TUSAS%29/2642115/L/&sid=196f59ab896fdb0ebba2b3fb90682d8e ) Enjoy.
  17. Hi, Has anyone tried putting the LWG legs from the Tamiya T-birds kit into the Academy kit? I have a spare set of main gear from the Tamiya kit but don't have an Academy kit around so I was wondering if they use a similar mounting point. I'm thinking of doing an F-16B that way. Carl
  18. 1/18 scale Lockheed Martin F-16CJ Fighting Falcon HAF BBI - Elite Force conversion / scratchbuilt The following article is to describe step by step the 1/18 scale Lockheed Martin F-16CJ Fighting Falcon Block 52, currently flying with Hellenic Air Force, conversion using the BBI - Elite Force toy model kit, bought from the States a couple of years before for less than $60 USD. Despite my enthusiasm when I finally got this 1/18 model in my hands, as soon as I opened the box which exceeds in length the 3 feet (!!!), I realized that I would face hard time and massive scratch building and I'd need to spend hundreds hours on my hobby bench to make it look descent. In the substance, it is not even a model to assembly but a game for children which could be ready in less than 2 minutes. The detail convinces only if you look the model from a distance while points such as landing gear system, engine nozzle, panel lines etc are real dramatic. Luckily, the model is accurate on dimensions and could possibly be used as a F-16 exhibit model that do not interest on conformity of colors, special details etc. So, I decide to begin the building from the zero and give life in this 82cm long monster with no detail (comparing to scale models by Hasegawa, Tamiya etc) but however this 1/18 F-16 toy has almost unlimited possibilities of becoming a high detailed scale model. It should be noticed that the model's airframe comes straight from the box already sealed and I had to open it and work it from inside. That's a hard work to do, because the fuselage remains stuck with internal reinforcing possessors and metal supports & screws that I should locate and carefully remove without causing any damage on plastic material. Following pics show the 82cm long beast, immediately after opening of packing box. I am already start thinking about finding the proper window to place this Falcon. By selecting heavy metal on my CD player (in order to become aggressive and get the “Friday 13th” feeling) and using a saw and a Dremel tool, I opened the fuselage, the basic airframe pieces were cut and useless parts such as landing gear, engine nozzle, a part of the air intake etc were removed and led to the garbage.
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