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  1. Like
    Ayrton got a reaction from Durangokid in Trumpeter 1:32 SBD 4/5 Dauntless   
    I'm a rookie and this is my third project. A lot to improve but I enjoy this hobby very much. Thanks for admitting me in this forum.
  2. Thanks
    Ayrton got a reaction from ringleheim in Trumpeter 1:32 SBD 4/5 Dauntless   
    I'm a rookie and this is my third project. A lot to improve but I enjoy this hobby very much. Thanks for admitting me in this forum.
  3. Like
    Ayrton got a reaction from wmoran in Trumpeter 1:32 SBD 4/5 Dauntless   
    I'm a rookie and this is my third project. A lot to improve but I enjoy this hobby very much. Thanks for admitting me in this forum.
  4. Like
    Ayrton got a reaction from CODY in Trumpeter 1:32 SBD 4/5 Dauntless   
    I'm a rookie and this is my third project. A lot to improve but I enjoy this hobby very much. Thanks for admitting me in this forum.
  5. Like
    Ayrton got a reaction from LSP_K2 in Trumpeter 1:32 SBD 4/5 Dauntless   
    I'm a rookie and this is my third project. A lot to improve but I enjoy this hobby very much. Thanks for admitting me in this forum.
  6. Like
    Ayrton got a reaction from Trak-Tor in Trumpeter 1:32 SBD 4/5 Dauntless   
    I'm a rookie and this is my third project. A lot to improve but I enjoy this hobby very much. Thanks for admitting me in this forum.
  7. Like
    Ayrton got a reaction from D.B. Andrus in Trumpeter 1:32 SBD 4/5 Dauntless   
    I'm a rookie and this is my third project. A lot to improve but I enjoy this hobby very much. Thanks for admitting me in this forum.
  8. Like
    Ayrton got a reaction from Pfuf in Trumpeter 1:32 SBD 4/5 Dauntless   
    I'm a rookie and this is my third project. A lot to improve but I enjoy this hobby very much. Thanks for admitting me in this forum.
  9. Like
    Ayrton got a reaction from Bruce_Crosby in Trumpeter 1:32 SBD 4/5 Dauntless   
    I'm a rookie and this is my third project. A lot to improve but I enjoy this hobby very much. Thanks for admitting me in this forum.
  10. Like
    Ayrton got a reaction from Jan_G in Trumpeter 1:32 SBD 4/5 Dauntless   
    I'm a rookie and this is my third project. A lot to improve but I enjoy this hobby very much. Thanks for admitting me in this forum.
  11. Like
    Ayrton reacted to smotti in Polikarpov I-16 Type 24   
    Good Morning.
    Follows images of this excellent ICM model.
    The painting was made with Mr. Color from Gunze Sangyo and some small parts with Vallejo and Alclad.
    To improve the model I used Eduard's interior set and seatbelts.
    I hope you like it.










  12. Like
    Ayrton got a reaction from AdamR in Trumpeter 1:32 SBD 4/5 Dauntless   
    I'm a rookie and this is my third project. A lot to improve but I enjoy this hobby very much. Thanks for admitting me in this forum.
  13. Like
    Ayrton reacted to Bill Cross in Trumpeter 1:32 SBD 4/5 Dauntless   
    Nice Dauntless.
  14. Like
    Ayrton got a reaction from Bill Cross in Trumpeter 1:32 SBD 4/5 Dauntless   
    I'm a rookie and this is my third project. A lot to improve but I enjoy this hobby very much. Thanks for admitting me in this forum.
  15. Like
    Ayrton got a reaction from Big Texan in Trumpeter 1:32 SBD 4/5 Dauntless   
    I'm a rookie and this is my third project. A lot to improve but I enjoy this hobby very much. Thanks for admitting me in this forum.
  16. Like
    Ayrton got a reaction from Lud13 in Trumpeter 1:32 SBD 4/5 Dauntless   
    I'm a rookie and this is my third project. A lot to improve but I enjoy this hobby very much. Thanks for admitting me in this forum.
  17. Like
    Ayrton reacted to aircommando130 in Trumpeter 1:32 SBD 4/5 Dauntless   
    Great looking SBD! I just started "Pacific Payback" last night. About the USS Enterprise SBD squadrons from Pearl Harbor to Midway! 
  18. Like
    Ayrton got a reaction from Model_Monkey in Trumpeter 1:32 SBD 4/5 Dauntless   
    I'm a rookie and this is my third project. A lot to improve but I enjoy this hobby very much. Thanks for admitting me in this forum.
  19. Like
    Ayrton reacted to DrDave in Trumpeter 1:32 SBD 4/5 Dauntless   
    Yes that's great
  20. Like
    Ayrton reacted to dennismcc in Trumpeter 1:32 SBD 4/5 Dauntless   
    What a fabulous build, I would be proud of that one.
  21. Like
    Ayrton reacted to Memir in Trumpeter 1:32 SBD 4/5 Dauntless   
    Very nice! Excellent build and excellent photos as well. I enjoyed... 
  22. Like
    Ayrton got a reaction from Memir in Trumpeter 1:32 SBD 4/5 Dauntless   
    I'm a rookie and this is my third project. A lot to improve but I enjoy this hobby very much. Thanks for admitting me in this forum.
  23. Like
    Ayrton reacted to williamj in Trumpeter 1:32 SBD 4/5 Dauntless   
    Very impressive build....love it.
  24. Like
    Ayrton reacted to Gerhard in Trumpeter 1:32 SBD 4/5 Dauntless   
    Links work for me, no porn site. Pretty damn good for your 3rd build. 
  25. Like
    Ayrton reacted to Gigant in Trumpeter 1:32 SBD 4/5 Dauntless   
    I think what our new friend Mr. Ayrton means by "rookie" is not in reference to his obviously higher level of skilled painting and finishing his model airplanes.
    I clicked on the photos and had no problems at all.
    But, then also, I use  the Avast free anti-virus and their excellent browser software.
    In fact I just got a Trumpeter SBD-5/A-24B kit and I intend to use this build as a "go-by"!
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