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Everything posted by Finn

  1. A Mk-82 Snakeye weighs about 560lbs: https://www.bulletpicker.com/pdf/TM-9-1325-200.pdf#page=45 The Mk-20 is 490lbs. For the Snakeye arming wires: https://www.docdroid.com/AgiGpxf/douglas-a-4-and-ta-4-tactical-pocket-guide-pdf#page=11 Jari
  2. A wingless Ju-88 used to trainer gunners, note the targets at the rear: Jari
  3. Here are some A-4s that have the same FS colours but slightly different shades: Jari
  4. When it's time to do the markings it's best to check the manual: https://www.docdroid.com/g6QkauG/to-1-1-4-1964-pdf#page=84 Jari
  5. Here is some info: http://www.smdcmodels.com/Loon.pdf Jari
  6. Here is the early F4U rocket panel layout, the right hand armament switch box on top of the sill(the rocket selector is the dial directly below it): for the later version: Jari
  7. The thing to note is, when did the light positions became standard for aircraft, i think it was post war so each country probably had their own regulations before that time. Jari
  8. Who said there was a supply problem: Jari
  9. Some Marauder torpedo training: Jari
  10. Not quite a good landing but it shows details of the bottom, note the main tires have different treads: Jari
  11. Time to get the duct tape out: Jari
  12. Here is another load configuration on the trailer: Jari
  13. As mentioned, it was in use during WWII: and in the Korean War: Jari
  14. There will be a live stream of the arrival starting at 6PM pacific time on the museum's YouTube channel: Jari
  15. Not your average Vigilante with AERO 8 practice bomb dispenser and a flasher pod under the other wing: Jari
  16. Here is another one from the rear: Jari
  17. A Phantom on deck: not launching anytime soon as intakes covers are in place, RBF flags still in place also note the thin wires at the wing folds. Jari
  18. Here is another example of the aft end of the external fuel tank on a A-4: https://www.net-maquettes.com/pictures/douglas-a-4-skyhawk-walk/#bwg2174/153395 Jari
  19. Here is a A-4N: https://www.net-maquettes.com/pictures/douglas-a-4-skyhawk-walk/#bwg2107/150332 Jari
  20. I read in a Skyraider book the pilot of a family model AD during a pre-flight briefing told his crew, who sat in the back in the fuselage compartment, when they see him go by the window, that was their signal to bailout. Jari
  21. The tail gunner's entry hatch is on the right, in the middle is the drag chute hatch and the one on the left is for gun loading: i remember reading about an incident on a long range flight, Chrome Dome?, the crew couldn't contact the tail gunner so one member got a portable oxygen bottle, crawled all the way to the tail gunner's position to check on him. He found him safe and sound but the intercomm was u/s so the two of them made their way back up front. It must have been an interesting trip crawling the length of a B-52 while airborne. Jari
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