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Whelp, I'm Baaaack!!! Whoohoo! B) Was gonna sit this GB out, cuz I don't know squat about WWII Japanese AC. Couldn't find anything that flipped my trigger to scratch-build, and I've only got 3 JAAF kits in the stash.

The idea of building something I don't know anything about, and trying some massively chipped paint-jobs kinda fascinates me now. So I think I'll build them all. Whittled down my choice to starting, "The Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere Fighter". The supposedly official name for the Ki-84. Has a nice ring to it,...I like it. Also found a paint-scheme with a skull & crossbones that 'sealed the deal'!!! :) Here's what I'll start with;




And this is what paint-scheme I'm shooting for;




More pics when I figure out what duh heck all these new colors are exactly. ;) Russ

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Bwhaw Hah! Loic, You crazy mad-man-of-the-plastic! :lol: I'm going to do this first,...then a Ki-43 II based out of India somewhere to go with a 'green dragon-tailed' P-38 I want to do. I'm taking some Ki-100 plans into work today to enlarge and see how tough this conversion would be for the Ki-61 kit I also have. Don't think I can make 3 models in a row without cutting the engine off SOMETHING! heh heh. Looking at some Kikka plans too,...but I dunno. :P


Uh oh,.. yeah Kevin, I've got a 'guilt complex' about finishing that pancake. It's about 90% done, and I just cast some corrected 6-spoke rims for it. Not sure about what i should do about it now that the Carrier GB is closed. Hmmm :ph34r:

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Uh oh,.. yeah Kevin, I've got a 'guilt complex' about finishing that pancake. It's about 90% done, and I just cast some corrected 6-spoke rims for it. Not sure about what i should do about it now that the Carrier GB is closed. Hmmm :P

I've got that 'guilt complex' going for so many builds at this point I can't even sit at the bench without freezing up! :ph34r: In your case it's simple... Have one of us move it to the Failed GB so you can finish it up. Along with those two racers..... :lol:

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Thanks for the greetings guys, it's great to be back shredding plastic and posting crappy pics again! :)

Been blocking up major sub-assemblies to get them ready for paint. Looking over Big Matt's shoulder in his Ki-84 thread, I read where the flaps on the Frank are up. Oh yes, time to chop and grind. Cut out most of flap detail leaving just enough to have something to glue the inboard top of the wing to the bottom. Then I cut most of that out. Whoohoo! :huh:



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Whups, forgot to highlight the areas on the flap undersides that I ground down to gey them to fit flush under the fuselage. You can just make it out in the above pic. Had to sand the leading edge of the flaps to make them narrower and tuck under the wing without sticking out over the trailing edge. Maybe they're supposed to hang out a little? Dunno, but mine don't now.

Here's a pic of the flaps glued on. Yeah, I know...whup-de-dooo. But it took a bit of trial and error to get them not to stick up/down/over/out and eventually flush. Also got the engine blocked up(but not glued) and ready for paint and some detail.



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I'm sure there must be some kind of 'track' those flaps slide out on underneath those little bullets at the wing trailing edge and slots under the fuse, but I'm still researching that.

Here's a pic of the topsides to show how the flaps don't stick out past the trailing edge. Don't know if this is correct,...but I'll survive methinks. Until I figure out (or copy what Matt does :huh: ) what Nakajima cockpit color is,...I'm going to work on the engine next. This is a really nicely done kit, and I'm glad this GB has given me a reason to get it out.

More pics as things progress! Russ



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Man, you don't waste any time. I am still trying to figure out the cockpit color and what kind of wires and styrene i need to make it more difficult to build. Nice fix on the flaps btw.



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Looking nice and clean so far Russ! I'll be keeping tabs on both you and Matt!! Great find on the profile as well, she's gonna look great with the skull and cross bones. Let me know what you come up with as far as that cockpit color goes..... :D

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